Intelligent spell checker based on the context of your text.
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No more spelling mistakes: Spell check with Ginger
Ginger Spell Checker corrects even the most severe spelling mistakes with unmatched accuracy. Ginger corrects your typos, phonetic mistakes, severe spelling mistakes, and misused words based on the context of a sentence. Spell checking has never been easier and faster. With a single click multiple mistakes are corrected. Ginger Spelling Checker uses a breakthrough, patented technology to correct any type of mistake, including those left undetected by other spell checkers.

Spelling matters!
English spelling can be rather tricky. Often, the way the word is spelled has little to do with how it is pronounced. Therefore, many people misspell words, including native English speakers. Unfortunately, bad spelling can say many things about you, mostly carelessness. And why is it important to know how to spell? Well, becuz badd spelln is ard t undrstnd wen ou rid it. Because when you write, you do so not just for yourself but for a reader. Because misspelling reflects badly on you.
Spell check your way to success: start writing better and faster
With Ginger’s spell checking writing is quicker and easier. You’ll never need to ask others to review your texts. Use Ginger’s online spell checker to check your texts or download the full application which also includes grammar checking, misused word corrections, as well the ability to listen to your texts and learn from your mistakes in order to avoid repetition. Don’t let spelling get in your way. Start using Ginger Software’s spell checker today!
Ginger Spelling and Grammar Checker uses a breakthrough, patented technology to correct any type of mistake, including those left undetected by other spell checkers, such as correctly spelled words used in the wrong context. Ginger has received numerous awards, such as Tech & Learning 2010 – Award of Excellence. Bloggers are praising it as “a spell checker on steroids”, “Ginger is phenomenal! It is a miracle worker”.